HTC Sense Cydget Theme
今天才在抱怨 Lock Calendar 更新之後變成了一個 Cydget
沒想到玩了一下,就做了一個 HTC Sense Cydget Theme 了 XD
順便發佈到 Cydia 試試看
只要在 Cydia 搜尋 HTC Sense Cydget 就可以安裝了喔~
把 TWXX0009 改成相對應的地區即可
區域碼可以在 輸入地區後查詢
For English Visitor
HTC Sense Cydget is the first theme can cache weather data. It can improve weather loading speed and provide weather when the network is unavailable.
To change the region of weather, edit this file at /System/Library/LockCydgets/HTCSense.cydget/private/configureme.js.
If you like HTC Sense Cydget, please donate.
1. How to change the locale in weather section?
Go to and enter your location to find it.
2. Where and how can I edit the configuration?
The configuration file is located at /System/Library/LockCydgets/HTCSense.cydget/private/configureme.js
Version History
1.0.0 Initial release
1.0.1 Fix icon
1.0.2 Support 24 hour format display
1.0.3 Add: clock 1 digit format support
Add: custom location name
Add: description in config file
Add: Accuweather source
1.0.4 Fix: two digit display bug
1.1.0 Add: use PHP to provide weather cache mechanism
Add: user can use custom background
Add: high and low tempture indicator
1.1.1 Performance improvement
Minor tweak
Add: backup & restore mechanism to keep user's configureMe.js file from upgrade
Release soon:
1.1.2 Now HTC Sense Cydget load almost instantly
Due to new config item was added in config file, disable config restore mechanism while upgrade to this version.
Add: Localization support
How are we supposed to get in and edit that file?? I'm so stupid /___\
Go to and enter your location to find it.
download iphone browser and navigate to the file path shown in cydia, download the file and edit the file in notepad, then save it back to your phone.
Or you can download iFile, via Cydia and edit the configureme.js. Much easier
works great, thanks!
Welcome to Cydget !
請問我只出現時間 還有地點和日期,並沒有出現溫度..該修改什麼嗎?thanks
改了HTC天氣後出現一堆英文字,刪除軟件包後 鎖頻都改不回來,請問怎麼辦
how can users edit the background.
Please goto settings and change your background.
你好!今天裝了之後 如果在設定同時勾選
wat the file called
Yes. You only need to type "HTC Sense Cydget" in cydia, and after install you need to modify configureMe.js.
How do I change from Celsius to Fahrenheit?
Please see FAQ 2 and set isCeisius = false
The weather source i'm using is Yahooweather…. it will not update…??
Please check your locale. Find your locale string in
Is there anyway to change to source of the weather forecasts from say Yahooweather to something else?
Please see FAQ 2.
Good cydget.thx. When is the 1.1.2 gonna release? Can't wait for it.
FAQ 2.
喔 我知道了 謝謝
Hi, I found my place at but what I cannot find is that locale code. Could you please giv some advice?
OK, just in the moment when I pressed ENTER……
For everybody: look into the adress line in your browser!
Great cydget!!!
Where's the download link, dude?
Could I suggest adding a music cydget kind of thing on this coz I can't access music from double tappping home on the lockscreen
This is cause by Cydget, not this cydget. Because Cydget use double click home button to switch between cydgets.
您好,今天更新了 SBSetting, Activator, Categories, CategoriesSB, libhide 後,整個就變很慢了~ 再勞請您看看,感激不盡~
1. 可在ipod/iphone settings內直接修改locale, source, wallpaper
2. 提供weather以外的cydgets, eg. CPU/記憶體使用率
3. 更快速完全啟動(我用iPod 2Gen要load大概2秒的時間)
4. switching between cydgets 的方法可以改為向左/右滑動(我想大部分人都以為htc sense UI 的widget可以左右滑動吧- -)
希望你們可以寫出更方便更切合用家需要的plug-in =]
我也是下載了 HTC Sense Cydget 後要進去CYDGET都點不進去….我是IPHINE4 4.1
changed isCeisius = false but the screen is blank. original setting is “isCeisius = truevar” tried falsevar and didn’t work.
the value should be true or false, not truevar or others
Pardon my ignorance, but I can’t seem to get the locale working. Can you please provide an example?
On further investigation, it would appear that I have the correct locale, but the data is not being updated. After modifying the configureme file, I rebooted and the temp was updated to the current temp. But that number has not changed since, even after a reboot.
which iOS and iDevice do you have? It doesn’t work on iOS 4 afaik
Doh! That’s the problem then. I am using an iPhone4 with iOS4.2. Thank you for the reply! Are there any plans to get this working?
Hi Mowd,
I see that you used php to create a cache file, i’m trying to do the same thing as u did, using ur code as reference, but I can’t seem to make it work, any instructions needed to make it work?
Hi, you should set the permission of the cache file to 666 to write data into it.
Ah yes, actually, it’s already set to 777. btw, I am trying this on iOS4.1, I’ve read above it’s not really compatible with iOS4? But it seems it was able to update the weather.cache (not always, but it does) . It appears to always return code 4 for the readystatechange of the XMLHttpRequest, any ideas? Thanks!
Are you using Cydget for iOS4? Cydget is buggy on iOS4 and I have no idea about it.
I don’t have any background behind, it’s just black, what’s wrong?
Are you using iOS4? It doesn’t support iOS4 currently.
Ah yes, it might be the engine, I tried running the scripts on the same environment yours was running and it worked, thanks!
Hi Mowd,
using Cydget for IOS4, everything works except no background. any suggestion?
There’s no way to get original size background image in iOS4, most of themes use thumb image but I think it’s no good. If you want background you could modify html and add background yourself.
How do You change the wallpaper easily ? I cant find the appropriate setting when I SSH ..
You can open HTC.html and find background to change it
Is it under background-color: none; ? or the one above “wallpaper.js” ? =X
try to search for “background” in *.html
Hi , i have iphone 4 using ios4.3.3
I don’t know why I can’t change the city to Toronto and background image? I’ve already changed it in configureMe.js
Make sure you have enter the right city code.
how do you activate backgroung wallpaper
insted of clouds nd all its blank
There’s no way to get original size background image in iOS4, most of themes use thumb image but I think it’s no good. If you want background you could modify html and add background yourself.
把 TWXX0009 改成相對應的地區即可
區域碼可以在 輸入地區後查詢
區域碼可以在 輸入地區後查詢
It doesn't work on 5.1.1 (no figures on the clock), though is so desirable. Any plans to make it compatible?
Cydget isn't support iOS5, I can't do anything of that.